3 Examples of Email Marketing for Financial Advisors

Melanie Balke
October 31, 2024

It goes without saying that building an effective email marketing strategy is tough. You’re balancing your customer’s needs with your brand’s image and message. You’re juggling your financial needs with your customers’ willingness to receive and consume information.

There’s a lot to learn, and I know many people struggle to find the right balance.

Now, add the hardships of marketing as financial advisors. Honestly, it’s not the most glamorous topic! Few people will willingly open emails about their tax forms and 1080s if there are more tantalizing messages in their inboxes.

Fortunately, there are ways to glamorize the seemingly less-than-fantastic.

I’ve gathered three examples of remarkable email marketing for financial advisors. So, sit back, relax, and read! I’ll break each email into its constituent parts and show you how to make financial planning as exciting as the latest exclusive retail launches.

1. The Welcome Email Makes a Difference

A drawing of a Jonah-themed toy bank by James McKenzie, circa 1938. “Example #1: The Perfect Welcome Email.”

I’ll start with where your new subscribers begin their relationship with your brand. (And, yes, you’re a brand and a financial advisor!)

Welcome emails are more than formalities. They’re your chance to take advantage of your most valuable marketing emails. Regardless of your status, welcome emails boast massive metric bonuses — even in the financial industry! These campaigns regularly earn 30% open rates and 52% conversion rates.

Think of it this way: A welcome email is a customer’s first introduction to your digital marketing. Why, then, should it be anything less than perfect? Why should it be anything less than the most authentic and timely communication?

So, with that said, I want to showcase our first example, courtesy of Simple Finance.

Setting Goals for Your Financial Advisor Marketing Emails

I’ll begin with the campaign’s goals.

The beginning of the Simple Finance email. The header reads, “It’s time to get your Simple No-Penalty CD!”

Like most marketing materials in the financial services industry, this campaign focuses on education. It’s literally written across the top in big, bold print! Then, you get the double whammy. The marketers re-emphasize the campaign’s point: “Lock in a guaranteed rate on your savings — you now have special early access to Simple No-Penalty Certificates of Deposit (CDs)!”

The air is clear.

The reader knows what to expect. They’re about to get information about their new CD services through Simple Finance! It’s compelling content with a distinct business goal — to get new clients interested in the company’s other services.

Emphasize Those Pain Points

Of course, customers won’t be led easily. Few people blindly trust untested financial advisors with their life’s work. But don’t worry! That doesn’t mean they’ll immediately lose interest. You can snag those potential customers by emphasizing pain points — facets of life that market trends suggest drive certain choices.

Another excerpt of the Simple Finance email. The message lists the benefits of the company’s CD services.

In this case, research shows clients want convenience, ease of access, and financial gains. (Although that last point is a given!) Alleviating these problems attracts the ideal clients and establishes strong relationships with your customers.

Deliver What Your Promise

Finally, you must deliver what you promised.

The goal is clear. This email campaign educates consumers about certificates of deposit. So, it’s only natural that it ends by offering readers a chance to get their own CDs.

The end of the Simple Finance email includes links to contact the company and learn more.

“Get Your CD Now” may not be a creative call-to-action, but it’s exactly what these email messages need. It’s a straightforward offer with the promise of additional information. In essence, this little blue button acts as a lead magnet to capture prospective clients.

This serves many purposes, but the most relevant benefits include:

  • Earning Conversions: A lead magnet — such as this CD — is the perfect way to cultivate relationships, yes. However, it’s also the perfect way to learn more about your potential clients.
  • Increase Customer Retention: Do you feel as if you can’t reach clients? Appeal to both new and current clients by educating them. Informative, relevant content promotes your brand’s authority. And, over time, that trust becomes the basis for a lasting relationship.
  • Learn More: Email marketing is a powerful tool. Use it! Take those lead magnets to the next level by adding a lead capture form to each landing page. These additions allow your marketers to collect more information about recipients. And, with that information, you can start creating content that’s even more effective!
  • Promote Success: Financial advisors want their clients to succeed. However, giving everyone individual attention would make some very, very busy financial advisors. Instead, this welcome flow does the time-consuming work of nurturing financial literacy.

2. The Simple Sales Pitch

A point of sales system. “Example #2: Email Marketing and Sales Pitches.”

Sometimes, you don’t need all that information.

Sometimes, the offer is marketing enough!

Allow me to present our shortest example, courtesy of SoFi Online Banking. Unlike Simple Finance’s email, this campaign is meant for specific groups. It’s highly targeted content that many advisors find intimidating, but its specificity is its superpower!

Remember: You can’t take advantage of this cost-effective tool without knowing your audience. In fact, any marketing for financial advisors must be tailored to excite your target audience. Failing to do so is a waste of your time and money!

Capture Your Target Audience

A piggy bank. “SoFi is paying off up to $1,000,000 in student loans.”

The first thing you’ll notice is the big, flashy imagery. It draws in clients and helps build relationships. In many ways, this massive banner plays the same role as a strong subject line by drawing in potential clients.

In design parlance, this is known as front-loading. The most important information is placed at the beginning of email campaigns; the rest is left to clarify information and capture readers. Think of that first impression as the front of a direct mail campaign. It’s your chance to supercharge your lead generation and provide valuable content.

Hold Attention With Bold Choices

The bold, in-your-face typography carries through the rest of the email marketing campaign.

The end of the SoFi email campaign. “Refinance Your Student Loans.”

Aside from appeasing your audience, this clarity is beloved by email service providers. Yes, you’re legally bound to send factual information. However, even sending misleading or unclear email campaigns can easily generate spam reports. Over time, the consequences grow. Eventually, you’ll stop landing in spam folders and progress to having your brand added to a blacklist!

Take a moment to look at this campaign’s call-to-action link.

“Refi now to enter.”

It’s a short, catchy title. It’s clear, concise, and works well with the email design. More importantly, it tells consumers what they must know. This amplifies your click-through rate and ensures your automated emails reach their mark.

Know Your Place

Now, before I move to the last example, I want to emphasize something very, very important.

As financial advisors, your email services rely on data. You have unprecedented access to your potential clients’ daily lives. A bit of digging and deduction goes a long way. You can probably tell who’s who, even if their data is obfuscated. This information gives email marketing for financial advisors its power, but it can also become its downfall.

So, allow me to introduce you to the “Triple A” of email marketing: Always Ask for Access!

Yes, I’m sure your free e-book is delightful. It’s probably chockablock with amazing financial advice and insights. However, that doesn’t give you instant access to your potential clients’ data. Privacy is becoming increasingly important, and knowing your limits goes a long way. Today, permission-based marketing is your best friend.

Think of it this way: At best, those overly nosy campaigns will be seen as an annoyance. However, you can easily go overboard and irritate consumers with intimate details. After all, I’m sure you wouldn’t be pleased to get a message with information you never sent!

3. The Informative Newsletter

The Los Angeles skyline. “Example #3: Informative Email Marketing Campaigns.”

Finally, I want to hit up those drip campaigns.

In this example, the drip campaign takes the form of a newsletter.

Look at things from the perspective of the marketing manager.

We’ve acquired customers and leads. People want to use our business. Now, we must engage that eager email list. We need high-quality content to push our brand — your financial advisors — to the next level.

One of the best ways to achieve these goals is informative marketing. Draw inspiration from your clients’ fears and reassure them of your expertise. Consider this Mynd email campaign your template for your next big email marketing push!

Don’t Forget to Front-Load What Matters

“With inflation running hot, real estate is a refuge.”

Already, this email means business.

That’s a bold headline. It captures clients and promotes the legitimacy of this example of email marketing for financial advisors. (I also want to give a friendly wave to our good friend, real estate email marketing!) This is big market news, and it’s the perfect base for a great subject line.

Of course, the fun doesn’t stop there. It keeps pushing, using strong, active language to describe the benefits of the real estate business. A property doesn’t grow; it “thrives in inflation.” You’re not just investing in your future but “safeguarding your purchasing power.”

Pushing for Engagement

An SMS opt-in form accompanies various blog post links.

Perhaps most importantly, this marketing campaign pushes a multi-channel approach by linking clients to appropriate posts on the company website. Readers are also invited to enroll in the brand’s SMS marketing program.

Pay close attention to how this is done, too! This is a gentle, friendly nudge. You don’t want to force-feed your potential clients. Instead, gently suggest that they sign up for your supplemental marketing materials.

Mynd says it perfectly, “Let us know what you prefer.”

You want to give your burgeoning clients plenty of power. Let them determine the extent of your business relationship. After all, forcing unnecessary automated emails upon existing customers is a surefire way to lose those consumers.

Additional newsletter content. A newly-listed property is showcased.

And don’t forget to give customers plenty of opportunities to engage with your content. There are eight distinct and purposeful links to the Mynd website scattered throughout this email. (You’ll see the last link in a second.) I did not count any incidental links, such as the header logo and footer.

Obviously, you don’t need this many call-to-actions in a single email. In many ways, this newsletter is an outlier, a memetic “Spiders Georg.” It’s a newsletter, and the supplemental reading can’t comfortably fit within the body text. Thus, links are a necessity.

Generally, you’ll want between one and three links to optimize your click-through rates. Anything more will likely overwhelm your readers.

Invite Discussion

The end of the Mynd email campaign.

Finally, don’t forget your role. As financial advisors, you must anticipate discussions. Mynd’s email signature ends with an invitation to visit the website and contact the on-demand help desk.

Now, your marketing budget may not cover a 24/7 support line. However, you can still create the illusion of an on-demand team. A skilled team of email marketing pros can easily craft automated flows and establish a conversational marketing strategy wherein predetermined inquiries lead to fully realized, automated emails.

Amplify the Impact of Your Email Marketing Strategy

Overlapping leaves. “Stay Engaged: Let Experts Handle Your Emails.”

With that said, it’s obvious that email marketing is hard work. It’s a constant balancing act. You must appease existing subscribers without alienating prospective clients. You must promote your website and services without being unbearably self-aggrandizing. You email marketing campaigns walk the thin line between customer service and transactional business correspondence.

So, what can you do?

If you’ve found your daily duties outweigh the time crunch of email marketing, it’s time to find a team of pros to help you craft the perfect marketing strategy.

My team of hand-picked experts at The Email Marketers has handled countless email marketing campaigns. We understand what it takes to succeed, and we’ll make your collective of financial advisors the foremost authorities. We’ll make your email list your most valued asset and handle the pesky details of email marketing.

All it takes is one call! Schedule a free strategy session to learn how we can help your email marketing campaigns thrive!
